ホーム » » New Orleans: Everett Kennedy Brown Photography Exhibition “Seeking an Open Life: Photographs of Lafcadio Hearn’s Japan”

New Orleans: Everett Kennedy Brown Photography Exhibition “Seeking an Open Life: Photographs of Lafcadio Hearn’s Japan”

2019/10/23 @ 09:30 – 16:30
The Historic New Orleans Collection
533 Royal St, New Orleans
LA 70130 アメリカ合衆国

Thursday, 10th October, 2019–Sunday, 5th January, 2020
Tuesday–Saturday, 9:30am–4:30pm

The Historic New Orleans Collection
410 Chartres Street, New Orleans, LA 70130


Everett Kennedy Brown Photography Exhibition “Seeking an Open Life: Photographs of Lafcadio Hearn’s Japan”

Everett Kennedy Brown is an author and artist using the collodion photographic technique to create uniquely beautiful images of Japan. He was born in Washington DC, and has lived in Japan since 1988. Using the collodion process since 2011 he works to create images that explore the spiritual depths of Japanese aesthetic sensibility. The collodion process involves the use of a large-sized antique camera and lens, and hand made glass wet plate negatives, as opposed to commerical film or digital. It is a rare and difficult to master photographic process which Brown uses skillfully to express his informed insight into the depths of Japanese culture. Brown calls this a “modern classic” method, that is based on the same process as was used at the time of the arrival of Admiral Perry’s Black Ships to Japan in 1853.

The 19th century writer Hearn feared the disappearance of Japanese traditional culture and wrote about his concerns 130 years ago. His works continue to resonate with Brown’s vision, as they share similar deeply spiritual visions of Japan. They both came from overseas, and developed an empathetic understanding of a Japan that few usually encounter. This exhibition is an excellent opportunity for people in the USA to encounter the spiritual depth of Japanese culture that can be experienced in the area around the city of Matsue. Matsue is a sister city of New Orleans, cities that Hearn both dearly loved. Brown has held photo exhibitions in the USA before, but his will be his first in New Orleans, at The Historic New Orleans Collection.

The exhibition will present images created in the Izumo region which inspired Hearn’s literature. The photographs are printed on traditional Japanese paper using the collotype printing technique. This collaboration with paper and sumi ink artisans and a traditional master printer further reflect and express the depth of Japan’s artisan culture. A lecture event with the artist is also scheduled.

“Lafcadio Hearn was a cosmopolitan, a man of many cultures. The images in this exhibition are a tribute to that Open Life that Hearn exemplified in his life and work.” (Everett Kennedy Brown)

The Hearn Society
The Historic New Orleans Collection

Matsue City

Japan Club of New Orleans
Japan Society of New Orleans

Embassy of Japan in the United States of America
Shimane Prefecture

Toshiba International Foundation
The Japan World Exposition 1970 Commemorative Fund

The 25th Anniversary of the Sister City Friendship between Matsue and New OrleansThe 25th anniversary of the friendship cities between Matsue and New Orleans